Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Good News!

As you saw by my post this morning, I ended up starting the Diclectin today.  I got up and 6:30 this morning and came rushing downstairs to eat some almonds.  They seamed to take the edge off, but less than an hour later they were in the toilet. 
It took a little while to get over all the sick feelings from the morning, but as of right now I can say that I feel GREAT!  I know that's it's probably too soon to make a good judgment if it will work all the time and only time will show me that. 
I had wondered if the drug would make me tired, since I was told by some who made their own OTC version that it knocked them out.  I am happy to say this has not been the case for me.  I'm tired, but that's because I'm in the 1st trimester and I'm not sleeping well at night. 

We've know about this baby for 2 weeks today and during that time when I felt 'not pregnant' I would tell my husband "oh, wouldn't it be great to feel this good the whole time?!"
Needless to say I was disappointed to feel the start of sickness yesterday.  But at least it is telling me that my body is pregnant and Lord Willing, we will have another baby in 8 months.

I pray that the Lord will give me the strength of Job to get through the pregnancy even if the diclectin does not work.  He never once complained aobut his hardships. 

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