Oh, where to start? So many thoughts in my head today.
I'm 8 weeks today and when I think back to 8 weeks in my last pregnancy, I remember being in tears. My body was hurting so bad because I was dehydrated and unable to keep any food down and I feared miscarrying. This time not only am I not down any weight, I've gained 2 pounds!
And the biggest thing is that I am showing! My clothes no longer fit - this is so new to me. With Eliana I was half way through the second trimester before needing maternity clothes and with little Penn I was about 15 weeks. I keep telling myself, it's because it's my 3rd and everything is stretched out :)
I am beyond thankful for the Diclectin, even though it's not taking away all the sickness it's helping tremendously. HG started 3 weeks ago tomorrow and I've only thrown up 12 times. That may seem like a lot, but it's not coming from someone who threw up 6+ times a DAY with the last 2 pregnancies.
I find myself feeling nauseous most everyday and have to keep still (I spend a lot of the day on the couch) in order to not throw-up. Even bending over to put dishes in the dishwasher is risky. My house is showing a lack of attention these days, as I can only do the bare min.
I am thankful for my wonderful husband who has pretty much taken over the kitchen duties. From doing dishes, feeding himself the kids and me (though he is thankful for the meals Mimi makes for us!) and cleaning up. I don't help him at all for the bath/bedtime routine. He even is braiding Eliana's hair for her! I started braiding it when it got long to help prevent tangles, and when I was unable to do it, he took it on himself. How sweet!!
This week we have our first pre-natal appointment. I am excited and am hoping to hear the heartbeat. We heard Eliana's at 9w5d and I will only be 8w4d, so it's probably not very likely.
Every week I pull up a picture on the internet of what our baby looks like to show the kids. They really enjoy that along with talking to baby most everyday.