Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I've been wanting to write about something for many months, but alas 3 children keep me plenty busy and away from this blog.  Plus I would much rather spend time with my children then on the computer!  They grow so fast and I want to enjoy every moment of it.

The HG has left a lasting effect on me and that is: Fear.  Fear of what?  It is fear of getting sick and throwing up.  Twice this year my family has gotten a stomach bug that resulted in vomiting.   The feeling that overcame me was an incredible urge to run. Where?  Anywhere as long as it was away from the sickness.  The last thing I wanted to do was look into a toilet bowl.  Anyone who has spent 9 months fighting NVP knows what I am talking about.

How did I get through this journey?  Prayer.  Much prayer, 1st, that God would spare me from the sickness and, 2nd, that God would give me the strength to take care of my family without fear.  It wasn't easy, but each time God was faithful and brought me through the journey without getting sick!

I don't know how I will react the next time my family gets sick, but I do know that my God will be there by my side helping me whether I get sick or not, because he has promised He will never leave me or forsake me.   I do not need to fear anything with Him.