Saturday, May 29, 2010

Needing to Rest

Well, first off I have been feeling great without a trace of sickness for a couple of weeks now!  Praise God!  Yesterday I was brave and cut out another diclectin.  Here I am on day 2 of only taking 3 tablets and I'm still doing well.  I have never felt this good during pregnancy and it is an answer to prayer.  I really wanted to be able to enjoy being pregnant.

The only bad thing is that I am finding it easy to over do and that is what happened today.  We did a yard sale with my parents (they live next door) this morning and this afternoon I was helping my DH organize the garage.  It was then I experienced 2 very powerful contractions and was sent to the sofa by my DH.   It was then that I realized I had only had 2 glasses of water all day.  I started drinking water like crazy and resting.  I've had 1 more strong contraction and lots of little ones.  Hopefully after a good night's sleep they will all stop.

So, that is my update for this week.  I had an appt. on Monday that went great.  Baby's heartbeat was 166 - maybe a girl? :)

Friday, May 21, 2010


It's 85 degrees today here in Vermont.  Let's just say this pregnant mama is HOT!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Today I've hit the 20 week mark!  I'm excited to be half way through this pregnancy. Overall I am doing very well, actually I'm the most active this pregnancy than the other 2. 

Good - I spend a good part of the weekend planting in our garden! 
My house is clean and all laundry/ironing is caught up.  
Still only need 4 diclectin a day.
Baby is giving some pretty hard kicks.

Not so good - My eye twitching is back....a sign that I'm overly tired.
Overdoing it causes my legs to swell up really big and also my hands so my wedding rings don't fit :(
Still have low blood pressure dizziness to deal with.
I'm eating a lot....and I mean a lot.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Food Funny

Last night after dinner we all had some ice cream (yum!).  Afterwards when I was putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher I saw the little bit of left over lettuce from dinner.  I thought why waste it? So I ate it.  My Hunny says "ice cream and lettuce?"  I responded with "I'm pregnant!" 
So, it's totally allowed, right? :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

19 Weeks

Just one more week until I hit the half-way mark!  Baby is very active but mostly at night - I'm really praying we don't get another non-sleeper.  For the most part m/s is gone, though I still have times when I feel sick, but thankfully I haven't thrown up in a few weeks.  I'm working on lowering how many Diclectin I take a day. Just today I came up with a plan to take 4 a day.  It would be great if it works at this dosage because I'm tired of being tired from the medication. 

We've had an above normal Spring here in New England with temps touching the 90's already.  The leaves have been in  full bloom for about 2 weeks now when normally they would not be until the end of May.  Even my tulips are done already!  Our pool is completely open and ready for swimming, that is if you don't mind 68 degree water :)
I really started to panic about what this Summer is going to be like if it's this warm now - I already do NOT handle the heat well and add pregnancy to that and I just may live in our pool.  I've been struggling with my low blood pressure the past few weeks.  I've always had low blood pressure but it goes lower when I'm pregnant causing me to feel very week and light headed.   It's really hard to stand for a long time, like when I'm working in the kitchen or ironing.  I've done some reseach on the internet and one thing I found was to increase my salt intake.  This is very interesting because when I was pregnant with my first I started craving salt and salty foods and with all 3 pregnancies I've craved french fries - now I know why!

Other news is we have to look for a new crib - ours had been recalled :(  I'm really sad that all of our children will not have slept in the same bed, but on the other hand I am thankful nothing happened to them while they were in the crib.   I really like the style of our crib and hope we can find another one we like without having to spend big $$. 
Here is a warning from CPSC about ALL drop side cribs.  I think it's possible that sometime in the future they will end up recalling all drop side cribs.  Our recall had to do with the mattress support frame and the drop side breaking. 

Monday, May 3, 2010

18 Weeks

I must say that I can't remember a point in my other pregnancies where the nausea was gone like it is now.  It's been over a week since I've felt sick or even gagging.  I'm down to 5 Diclectin a day and possibly soon I will be at the normal 4 a day dosage. 
I'm still dealing with a daily headache, but thankfully a cup of coffee will take it away most days.  I need to make an appointment with my chiropractor as my hips have been hurting for weeks now and just yesterday I started to feel sciatic never pain down the same leg as my last pregnancy - not fun.  

The baby has been very active lately!  I really enjoy being able to feel the movement, but can't wait for them to be stronger so the children can feel it too. 

Just a short, but very good update for now!